Writing a conclusion essay
Monday, August 24, 2020
Subsurface Layer Characterisation Research
Subsurface Layer Characterisation Research SUBSURFACE LAYER CHARACTERISATION FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES USING VERTICAL ELECTRICAL SOUNDING IN BANANA ISLAND, LAGOS, NIGERIA OLADUNJOYE, H.T., 2OLALEYE, A.O. Conceptual Seven (7) vertical electrical sounding stations along two navigates were utilized to consider the profundity to skillful development for establishment of designing structures in Banana Island of Lagos. The examination is intended to disentangle the nearness of issue soils that can be unfriendly to structures.  The sounding information utilized in this examination was procured utilizing Schlumberger Electrode Configuration. The VES information were deciphered into a model bend utilizing forward demonstrating programming called Winglink. The translation boundaries (layer resistivities and thicknesses) for each VES point were gathered into three geo-electric segments to speak to the 2-D models of the subsurface layers in the investigation territory. The last understanding outcomes (resistivities and profundities) demonstrated as geoelectrical areas and pseudosections were analyzed inside the overviewed zone and corresponded with the borehole log-inferred profundities to decide a likely profundity for establishments of tall structure. The examination inferred that the geophysical examination is of extraordinary noteworthiness in halfway bend coordinating translation procedure gives the most reliably low rate deviation blunder edges among the three VES primer understanding methods. There is reliable increment inside and out expectation blunder, with profundity, in all the translation procedures. Presentation Geophysical resistivity procedures depend on the reaction of the earth to the progression of electrical flow. In all techniques, an electrical flow is gone through the ground and the subsequent potential cathodes permit us to record the resultant expected contrast between the flow terminal is estimated. The evident resistivity is then a component of the deliberate impedance (proportion of potential to current) and the geometry of the anode cluster. Contingent on the review geometry, the obvious resistivity information are plotted as 1-D soundings, 1-D profiles, or in 2-D cross-areas so as to search for irregular locales. In the shallow subsurface, the nearness of water controls a great part of the conductivity variety. Estimation of resistivity (reverse of conductivity) is, all in all, a proportion of water immersion and network of pore space. This is on the grounds that water has a low resistivity and electric flow will follow the easiest course of action. Expanding immersion, expanding saltiness of the underground water, expanding porosity of rock (water-filled voids) and expanding number of cracks (water-filled) all will in general decline estimated resistivity. Resistivity estimations are related with fluctuating profundities relying upon the detachment of the present and expected terminals in the study, and can be deciphered as far as a lithologic and additionally geohydrologic model of the subsurface. The decision for Direct Current (DC) resistivity overview in this undertaking is because of its capacity to give a fast concise picture of lithological and groundwater qualities as far as its clear resistivity differentiate. In this work the electrical resistivity character gathered were model with Winresist and Winglink reversal programming. The layers boundaries (resistivities and thicknesses) acquired from information handling were then modified with Winglink to give two-dimensional pictures of the subsurface clear resistivity variety (Pseudosection). In any case, information on the geography of the region from gained borehole log has assumed an essential job in deciding the best fit model. MATERIALS AND METHOD OF STUDY The vertical electrical resistivity is utilized to decide the subsurface resistivity dispersion and profundity of the sub-surface layers with the guide of electrical resistivity meter. In this examination, Schlumberger exhibit of electrical resistivity technique was embraced due to the minimal effort of the field activity, decreased coordinations labor and furthermore quicker. A sum of Six (6) vertical electrical sounding (VES) were estimated inside the territory. The resistivity estimation is taken by presenting little bit of power through two current anodes (An and B) and estimating the resultant voltage drop between a couple of likely cathodes (M and N). A basic determined estimation of clear resistivity is the boundary bearing the data for the attributes of the earth (Tonkov, 2008). From the establishment of electrical resistivity hypothesis is the ohms law (Grant and West, 1965; Dobrin and Sarvit, 1988):    â â â â â â â â (1) Where à is the resistivity, R is the opposition, L is the length of the leading chamber and An is the cross sectional territory. For the strong earth, whose material is overwhelmingly comprised of silicates and fundamentally non conveyors, the nearness of water in the pore space of the dirt and in the stones cracks upgrades the conductivity of the earth when an electrical momentum I is gone through it, subsequently making the stones a semi conductor.â Since the earth isn't care for a straight wire and it's anything but an anisotropic, at that point Equation 1 can be redone as:  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â (2) Where change in voltage and r is the sweep of current cathodes side of the equator. Since the earth isn't homogeneous, Equation 2 is utilized to characterize an evident resistivity which is registered as the result of the geometric factor and the opposition recorded in the electrical resistivity meter and resistivity the earth would have in the event that it were homogeneous (Grant and West, 1965;):  â â â  â â  â â â â â â â â â (3) Where, 2ï€r is then characterize as the geometric factor (G) fixed for a given cathode setup and is reliant on the terminal course of action. The Schlumberger anode arrangement was utilized for this examination. The geometric factor is in this manner given as:  â â (4) Where AB is the separation between two current cathodes, MN is the separation between two expected terminals. Area AND GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA The investigation territory is situated in the south-eastern piece of Lagos State between Latitudes 6â ° 25 to 6â ° 28 North of the Equator and Longitudes 3â ° 24 to 3â ° 30 East of the Greenwich Meridian (Fig.1.1). The examination region Lekki and its environ issituated inside the western Nigeria waterfront brooks and tidal pond created by obstruction sea shores related with sand affidavit (Pugh, 1954). It frames some portion of the Lagos tidal pond framework known as the biggest of the four tidal pond framework in the bay of guinea coast (Adepelumi and Olorunfemi, 2000). Banana Island is a fake island in Lagos State, Nigeria. It is situated in the Lagos Lagoon and joined toward the North-Eastern Ikoyi Island by a devoted street strip which is connected to the current street organize. The banana-formed Island is roughly 1,630,000 square meters in size (not exactly a square mile) and is isolated into 536 plots (of somewhere in the range of 1000 and 4000 square meters in size) primarily organized along circular drives, so intended to upgrade the generally private nature of Ikoyi. Banana Island is a fake island recovered from bits of the Lagos Lagoon, topographic rise got at the site found the middle value of 4 meters above mean ocean level. The examination region is situated inside the beach front locale of Nigeria with an atmosphere of long wet season (April to October) and short dry season (November to March). Normal yearly precipitation is above 2000mm and fills in as a wellspring of groundwater energize. The zone is helpless to flooding after substantial precipitation during the wet season. Nigeria lies in a broad Pan-African versatile belt which isolates the West African and Congo Cratons. The belt is deciphered to have developed from the mainland crash between the West African craton and the Pan-African belt (Black et al., 1979; Caby et al., 1981). Geochronologically, the Precambrian rocks of Nigeria can be assembled into four significant classes (Liberian Orogeny 2800  ± 200 Ma, Eburnean Orogeny 2000  ± 200 Ma, Kibaran Orogeny 1100  ± 200 Ma and The Pan-African Orogeny 600  ± 150 Ma). These classes relate with the four orogenic occasions that have punctuated the Precambrian history of Africa (Odeyemi, 1979). Figure 2.1: Regional Geological Map of Nigeria (Modified after Ajibade et al., 1988) Seaside Nigeria involves two sedimentary bowls: The Benin-Dahomey bowl and the Niger Delta bowl isolated by the Okitipupa edge. The stones of the Benin bowl are primarily sands and shales with some limestone which thicken towards the west and the coast just as down plunges to the coast. Ongoing dregs are underlain by the Coastal Plains Sands which is then underlain by a thick earth layer the Ilaro Formation and other more established Formations (Jones and Hockey, 1964). The Coastal Plains Sands spring is a multi-spring framework comprising of three spring skylines isolated by silty or clayey layers (Longe et al., 1987). It is the primary spring in Lagos Metropolis that is abused through boreholes for residential and modern water flexibly. The sedimentary rocks of Lagos State are made out of five (5) sedimentary developments (Jones and Hockey, 1964) viz: Abeokuta Formation, Ewekoro Formation, Ilaro Formation, the Coastal Plains Sands and the alluvial stores. The seaside fields sand otherwise called the Benin Formation extends over the Dahomey bowl into the Niger Delta Basin. The land arrangements of the examination territory made out of silt set down under fluviate, lascustrine and marine conditions. These residue grade into each other and fluctuate generally in parallel degree and thickness (Adepelumi and Olorunfemi 2000). Longe et al., (1987) arranged the spring into three sorts. Quantitative translation of the bends included fractional bend coordinating utilizing two-layer Schlumberger ace bends and the aux
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay -- Biography
On January 30, 1882, the world invited another conceived kid by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that would enable America on many occasions to recoup from the profundities of mischief and threat and carry her to the shores of wellbeing. He wedded his better half and inaccessible cousin by the name of Eleanor Roosevelt and she carried out numerous beneficial things of her own. Through his training, amazing three terms of Presidency, triumph in a war, attempt for harmony, and battling through a horrendous malady know as polio, previous President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the best President ever. Franklin Roosevelt learned numerous imperative and pivotal exercises all through his instruction. Exercises and ideas that would be conveyed with him all over. One of Roosevelt's first exercises was from the author of the Groton School, Endicott Peabody. As this school was for the most part for the rich, the exercise involved that taxpayer driven organization was a fantastic technique to help those less fortunate and less special than the understudies going to the school. This good truly spoke to Roosevelt before he moved on from Groton school and went on to Harvard University (Uschan 21). At whatever point FDR's name is referenced, not very numerous individuals understand that this striking man went to Harvard. While he went to Harvard, he learned about a wide range of perspectives about government that would assist FDR with building up his political way of thinking (Uschan 22). Training played a minor however basic job for Franklin on the crucial turning into the best President up until this point. The street for FDR to become President was not unforgiving or smooth, yet it is was he did during those three amazing terms that truly makes this previous president extraordinary. FDR first term authoritatively began on March 4, 1933, and he entered term confronted with the weight o... ... second term, FDR made the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. He likewise made the March of Dimes, which got cash for babies with birth surrenders. He didn't life to consider the to be for polio as Roosevelt kicked the bucket in 1945. Be that as it may, the U.S congress gave FDR the special respect of having his face on the dime since he and the dime were so firmly related (FDR and Polio: Public Life, Private Pain). FDR was the best president ever through his training, amazing three terms of Presidency, triumph in a war, attempt for harmony, and for doing combating through polio. I consider all the things he has accomplished for Americans consistently, and individuals don't understand that he considerably improved the entire nation. I trust that I have passed on to you that FDR is the best president that has ever existed on this planet.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Middle Grades Education at the University of Illinois
Middle Grades Education at the University of Illinois The University of Illinois offers a variety of majors in the education field, including majors that arent for prospective teachers. When I applied to Illinois, I was admitted as an Elementary Education major. I had always loved literacy and language arts more than any other subject in school, but I also love young kids, so I was at a standstill for majors. Should I stay in Elementary Education? Do I have to move to Secondary Education? Gif from giphy.com It was in my first semester that I discovered a new major in the College of Education: Middle Grades Education. Middle Grades Education allows for concentrations in math, science, social science, and literacy. The endorsement is for teaching fifth grade through eighth grade. The track for a Middle Grades Education degree looks very similar to an Elementary Education degree in the first semesters of college and then goes into depth with the students selected concentrations. Gif from giphy.com I chose to concentrate in both literacy and social sciences, and could not be happier with my decision. I now have the ability to channel my passion into my profession, while working with the age group I prefer. The College of Education really does have a major that fits anyone. Rachel Class of 2020 I am studying Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Social Sciences and Literacy in the College of Education. Although I now reside in Champaign, I am originally from Vernon Hills, a Northwest suburb of Chicago.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Homonymy Examples and Definition
The word Homonymy (from the Greekâ€â€homos: same, onoma: name) is the relation between words with identical forms but different meaningsâ€â€that is, the condition of being homonyms. A stock example is the word bank as it appears in river bank and savings ​bank. Linguist Deborah Tannen has used the term pragmatic homonymy (or ambiguity) to describe the phenomenon by which two speakers use the same linguistic devices to achieve different ends (Conversational Style, 2005). As Tom McArthur has noted, There is an extensive gray area between the concepts of polysemy and homonymy (Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language, 2005). Examples and Observations Homonyms are illustrated from the various meanings of the word bear (animal, carry) or ear (of body, of corn). In these examples, the identity covers both the spoken and written forms, but it is possible to have partial homonymyâ€â€or heteronymyâ€â€where the identity is within a single medium, as in homophony and homography. When there is ambiguity between homonyms (whether non-deliberate or contrived, as in riddles and puns), a homonymic clash or conflict is said to have occurred.(David Crystal. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 6th ed. Blackwell, 2008)Examples of homonymy are peer (person belonging to the same group in age and status) and peer (look searchingly), or peep (making a feeble shrill sound) and peep (look cautiously).(Sidney Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson, An Introduction to English Grammar, 3rd ed. Pearson, 2009) Homonymy and Polysemy Homonymy and polysemy both involve one lexical form that is associated with multiple senses and as such both are possible sources of lexical ambiguity. But while homonyms are distinct lexemes that happen to share the same form, in polysemy a single lexeme is associated with multiple senses. The distinction between homonymy and polysemy is usually made on the basis of the relatedness of the senses: polysemy involves related senses, whereas the senses associated with homonymous lexemes are not related. (M. Lynne Murphy and Anu Koskela, Key Terms in Semantics. Continuum 2010)Linguists have long distinguished between polysemy and homonymy (e.g., Lyons 1977: 22, 235). Usually, an account like the following is given. Homonymy obtains when two words accidentally have the same form, such as bank land bordering on a river and bank financial institution. Polysemy obtains where one word has several similar meanings, such as may indicating permission (e.g., May I go now?) and may indicating poss ibility (e.g., It may never happen). Since it is not easy to say when two meanings are totally different or unrelated (as in homonymy) or when they are just a little different and related (as in polysemy), it has been customary to adduce additional, more easily decidable criteria.The trouble is that, although helpful, these criteria are not totally compatible and do not go all the way. There are cases where we may think that the meanings are clearly distinct and that we therefore have homonymy, but which cannot be distinguished by the given linguistic formal criteria, e.g., charm may denote a kind of interpersonal attraction and may also be used in physics denoting a kind of physical energy. Not even the word bank, usually given in most textbooks as the archetypical example of homonymy, is clear-cut. Both the financial bank and the river bank meanings derive by a process of metonymy and metaphor, respectively from Old French banc bench. Since bank in its two meanings belongs to the same part of speech and is not associated with two inflectional paradigms, the meanings of bank are not a case of homonymy by any of the above criteria...Traditional linguistic criteria for distinguishing homonymy from polysemy, although no doubt helpful, in the end turn out to be insufficient.(Jens Allwood, Meaning Potentials and Context: Some Consequences for the Analysis of Variation in Meaning. Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics, ed. by Hubert Cuyckens, Renà © Dirven, and John R. Taylor. Walter de Gruyter, 2003)Dictionaries recognize the distinction between polysemy and homonymy by making a polysemous item a single dictionary entry and making homophonous lexemes two or more separate entries. Thus head is one entry and bank is entered twice. Producers of dictionaries often make a decision in this regard on the basis of etymology, which is not necessarily relevant, and in fact separate entries are necessary in some instances when two lexemes have a common origin. The form pupil, for instance, has two different senses, part of the eye and school child. Historically these have a common origin but at present they are semantically unrelated. Similarly, flower and flour were originally the same word, and so were the verbs to poach (a way of cooking in water) and to poach to hunt [animals] on another persons land), but the meanings are now far apart and all dictionaries treat them as homonyms, with separate listing. The distinction between homonymy and polysemy is not an easy one to make. Two lexemes are either identical in form or not, but relatedness of meaning is not a matter of yes or no; it is a matter of more or less. (Charles W. Kreidler, Introducing English Semantics. Routledge, 1998) Aristotle on Homonymy Those things are called homonymous of which the name alone is common, but the account of being corresponding to the name is different...Those things are called synonymous of which the name is common, and the account of being corresponding to the name is the same.(Aristotle, Categories)The sweep of Aristotles application of homonymy is in some ways astonishing. He appeals to homonymy in virtually every area of his philosophy. Along with being and goodness, Aristotle also accepts (or at times accepts) the homonymy or multivocity of: life, oneness, cause, source or principle, nature, necessity, substance, the body, friendship, part, whole, priority, posteriority, genus, species, the state, justice, and many others. Indeed, he dedicates an entire book of the Metaphysics to a recording and partial sorting of the many ways core philosophical notions are said to be. His preoccupation with homonymy influences his approach to almost every subject of inquiry he considers, and it clearly struct ures the philosophical methodology that he employs both when criticizing others and when advancing his own positive theories. (Christopher Shields, Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford University Press, 1999).
Thursday, May 7, 2020
America Should Be A Capitalist Nation - 1213 Words
During the nineteenth century there was a constant debate on if the government should regulate the businesses and people of America. This debate included many different sides other than the capitalists versus the socialists, throughout America people were placed on a spectrum from socialists to capitalists with millions of different variations and beliefs in between the extremists. Some viewpoints included men like William Graham Sumner or Herbert Spencer that believed in laissez-faire capitalism but differed in exact beliefs of how America should be ran from other capitalists such as Andrew Carnegie and then there were viewpoints from men such as Henry Demarest Lloyd who strongly opposed capitalism. Each perspective had positives and†¦show more content†¦They also shared the belief that people had an individual duty to better themselves and those people that did not progress in society did not deserve help or guidance from those that were able to do so on their own. Sumne r describes a person that is unable to progress individually as, â€Å"a man who is present as a consumer, yet who does not contribute either by land, labor, or capital to the work of society†and he believed that, â€Å"on no sound political theory ought such a person to share in the political power of the state. (518)†Spencer shared in this view, he stated that individuals that were wealthy and in control of business were more ‘perfect’ than those that were poor and had not tried to progress to their highest potential. He thought that the wealthy should not help the poor and that through this process a social Darwinism would occur weeding out the weak. Although some capitalists agreed with these men’s thoughts, not all did, including Andrew Carnegie. Another argument in favor of a capitalist America was that of Carnegie. He agreed with capitalists like Sumner and Spencer that laissez-faire capitalism was the right choice for American society, but he differed in their opinion about how America should react to the poor. Like Sumner and Spencer, Carnegie thought that the owners of companies should have complete control of their companies and should not be regulated by the government. Unlike Sumner and Spencer, Carnegie
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Test of English as a Foreign Language Free Essays
English, the third most common language spoken after Mandarin and Spanish, is spoken by around 370 to 390 million people in around 50 different countries. Many renowned universities, require their students, in the undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programs to first prove their proficiency in the English language, as an entrance criteria. This created a need for a standard test, accepted and recognized by these universities, to be created. We will write a custom essay sample on Test of English as a Foreign Language or any similar topic only for you Order Now Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL as it is commonly referred to as, is such a test. This test is developed and conducted by the Educational Testing Service. TOEFL can be administered via the internet(TOEFL iBT) or can be written as a paper based test(TOEFL PBT). Written Tests are only administered in places where Internet Based Testing Centers for TOEFL are unavailable. This test score along with the applicant’s other academical information becomes the foundation for their admission process. The test score scale ranges from 0 to 120, for TOEFL iBT, and from 310 to 677 for TOEFL PBT. The minimum test score acceptable, varies from university to university, depending on factors like courses undertaken or whether the applicant is an undergrad, grad or post grad. TOEFL iBT TOEFL iBT tests the four basic skills needed for effective communication namely- Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing. They test the takers to read, listen, and then speak in response to a question listen and then speak in response to a question read, listen, and then write in response to a question The test is 4 hours long and it is essential that all the four sections of the test be taken on the same day itself. Test Format SECTION FORMAT TIME READING 3-5 passages(700words), 12-14 question each 60-100 minutes LISTENING 2–3 conversations, 5 questions each 4–6 lectures, 6 questions each 60-90 minutes 10 MINUTES BREAK SPEAKING 6 tasks which include 2 independent and 4 integrated 20 minutes WRITING 2 tasks which include 1 integrated task and 1 independent task 50minutes(20 for integrated and 30 for independent) The time displayed above is not an actual representation, and may vary on the number of questions. Reading Section The reading sections tests the applicant’s ability to, comprehend, learn and to find information from university level academic passages and texts. The questions asked in the reading section are of the following format Multiple choice questions- asking the applicant to select a single answer from a given set of options Multiple choice questions asking the applicant to select an option to â€Å"insert a sentence†where it fits best in a passage Questions with more than four choices and more than one possible correct answer. Listening Section This section tests the applicants ability to understand Spoken English, by testing his/her ability to understand lectures and conversations. The applicant is allowed to take notes while listening to the material provided. These notes will be collected at the end of the test and destroyed. Questions asked in the Listening section, are usually asked in the following formats Multiple choice questions with a single correct answer Multiple choice questions with more than one correct answer Questions that require the user to order events Questions that require the applicant to match objects or text to categories in a chart Some questions replay a portion of the audio material provided, so that the applicant need not memorize the material before answering the question. Speaking Section Here the applicant is tested for his ability to communicate, participate in casual conversations, respond to questions etc. This section includes six tasks that that the applicant must undertake before proceeding further. The first two task are independent speaking tasks, where the user is asked to express their opinion or idea on topics provided, or on topics that the applicant is comfortable with. The next four tasks are integrated tasks where the applicant must use more than one of their skills before responding. These skills may include reading, listening and speaking. The user is only allowed to spend 20 minutes in this section. Writing Section This section tests the applicants ability to present their ideas in a clear and well organized manner. Here students are required to undertake two tasks, one integrated and one independent. Independent tasks include writing essays, articles, expressing opinions etc. The student’s range of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuations and layout are tested under Independent tasks. Under Integrated tasks students are required to summarize, paraphrase, and cite accurate information from the source material. The total time sanctioned for both these tasks is 50 minutes. TOEFL scores are valid for 2 years. These scores are visible,10 days after the exam on the TOEFL registration website. Printed Scores are mailed after 13 days. More than 10,000 universities in around 130 countries accept TOEFL scores for their admission process. So when you plan on an education abroad, Think TOEFL. How to cite Test of English as a Foreign Language, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Why I should have an A in the English class Essay Example
Why I should have an A in the English class Essay I have come to discover that success is not just an event, rather, it is a series of events. When we say that someone is successful, what we often see is the eventual outcome of what has transpired in the secret. Fundamentally, success comes as a result of everyday events. Nothing captures this better that the words of Albert Einstein who said that â€Å"Genius is 90 per cent perspiration and 10 per cent inspiration.Consequently, I approach all my courses in this manner. For me, an A in the English class is a reality because of what I have sown into the course. Therefore, it will be no surprise to me if at the end of the year I have an A in the English class. I say this because of the following reasons.Firstly, I make sure I attend all classes in the course and if for any reason I can not attend, I make sure I go through the class note and course material used while I was absent from class. Apart from this, I make sure I read ahead of the class so that I can comprehend what the teac her is teaching. Also, I attend tutorial classes that are organized by the class and I do not miss any discussion class in the course.Furthermore, I understand that I will be impossible for me to pass a course without developing interest in the course. In view of this, I make sure I developed a unique interest in the English class and I make sure I keep my notes updated at all times. When I get home, I review what I have learnt in class and this has helped in making me have a better knowledge of what has been taught. In addition to this, I have registered for some online tutorials where I have access to various materials that explains what we learn in class better.In conclusion, I believe that failure to preparation is the key to all successes and so I test myself intermittently in order to assess my level of preparedness and how much I have learnt in the course. My perspective of the English class has changed and this has helped me in having a positive attitude towards learning gen erally. Today, I can say that English is not only a course to me, it is a platform for me to equip myself for the challenges ahead.
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